Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Cloud Services Are Changing the Way Businesses Work

Cloud services are a flexible way for businesses to develop, maintain and scale services without the need to invest in physical equipment or infrastructure. Both small and large-scale businesses are able to use cloud computing to change the way they work, opting for a more flexible and cost-effective alternative online.
What Cloud Services are available?
Cloud files
Store documents and media files in the cloud to share with others or as a backup. Files and folders can be kept private or made public and shared instantly. Large files no longer need to be sent to a recipient, they can be shared online and the recipient chooses to view the document in the browser, or download it directly to their computer.
Cloud server
A Cloud Server allows businesses to have root access to their server and run any program they want, without the restrictions placed on shared servers. A new server can be set up within minutes rather than having to wait for new equipment to arrive. When no longer needed, the server can be deleted and payment stopped.
Cloud Platform
Businesses can develop their own applications and services to run in the cloud, benefiting from the ability to get the product to market faster, and scale the product or service as demand changes.
The benefits of Cloud Computing
Businesses can adjust their requirements quickly and easily according to changing business needs, paying only for what they use.
Ease of access
Sharing files with employees, colleagues or customers in different locations can be done securely online. The files and documents can be accessed via a computer, mobile phones, iPad etc.
Cost savings
Businesses do not need to invest in new equipment which becomes redundant when business volume decreases and staff costs are reduced. Furthermore, maintenance costs are eradicated having no internal hardware required in order to store and share data within a business.
Maintenance Free
The provider of the cloud services, not the business, is responsible for maintaining and upgrading equipment.
Employees can access information from anywhere, at any time of the day or night. Employers can offer more flexible working arrangements and telecommuting positions, or hire remote workers who are able to access the necessary files online.
The very nature of cloud computing provides a number of advantages so that it can be used exclusively, or in combination with existing, physical infrastructure. It gives end users more control with faster, more cost-effective solutions to their computing needs.
Cloud services are a flexible way for businesses to develop, maintain and scale services without the need to invest in physical equipment or infrastructure. Both small and large-scale businesses are able to use cloud computing to change the way they work, opting for a more flexible and cost-effective alternative online.

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